Monday, March 22, 2010


I feel like there was not much intention behind the painting on the right. I have learned a bit more to create a focus for the painting before I begin and this painting didn't necessarily have one. I began with imitating the texture, shape, and size of pecans (lower left corner) and from there I was just looking around my room for ideas from different textures. It is too congested for my liking but I do like that all the parts seem to be connecting and that they have a wide range of colors. At the time I painted it, I felt that a wide range of colors was necessary. I was sitting listening to music ( a tape with Native American chanting) next to an window which was open to the early spring weather at the time.
I wasn't able to crop this picture, so there is another painting on the page that I didn't mean for it to be put up.

not able to crop
the pictures

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